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Keep up-to-date on the latest vision-related news and eye care events in our Practice.

20/20 Vision Isn’t Perfect Vision: The Role of Vision Therapy

Did you know 20/20 vision doesn’t mean perfect vision? Find out how Focus Vision Development Center helps improve academic performance through vision therapy.

Can Vision Therapy Help with Frequent Headaches?

Frequent headaches can sometimes stem from undiagnosed vision issues like eye strain or binocular vision dysfunction. Vision therapy may help reduce headache frequency by addressing these underlying problems, but it’s essential to identify whether vision is the root cause through a comprehensive eye exam.

Vision Therapy for Preschoolers: What Parents Need to Know

Early vision therapy can make a big difference for preschoolers, but misconceptions may delay treatment. Learn the truth about how vision therapy supports young children’s development.

20/20 Vision is Not ‘Perfect Vision’

Even a child with '20/20 vision' can have underlying visual problems, such as convergence insufficiency or poor eye tracking skills. An undiagnosed vision problem such as amblyopia can be the underlying cause of your child's diagnosis of ADD, dyslexia, or other learning disorders. If a child is struggling in school...

Unlock Better Reading with Key Visual Skills

We are dedicated to enhancing your child's reading and learning through vision therapy. Understanding the key visual skills essential for reading can help identify potential challenges your child may face.

Your Child Depends on Great Vision for Learning

Children often don't realize that they have a vision problem. Since school vision screenings are unable to detect vision problems related to reading and learning difficulties, many vision problems go undiagnosed for years.

Concussion: Don’t suffer in Silence

Most traumatic brain injuries (TBI) result in some form of visual dysfunction. Even a mild concussion that can occur from slipping in the bathtub or tripping over your own feet, can impact the part of the brain responsible for visual processing.

Vision Problems can Result in Neck Pain

Even the slightest eye misalignment can severely impact the way we see— often resulting in debilitating symptoms, such as eye strain, blurry or double vision, headaches, neck pain and balance issue

Do you Suffer with Headaches?

Any problem within the visual system that occurs as a result of binocular vision dysfunction, convergence insufficiency or focusing difficulty, can severely impact the way we see— often resulting in debilitating headaches and episodes of dizziness.

Visual Problems can Impact School Learning

If a child is struggling in school or is exhibiting signs of a learning disorder, a developmental visual assessment is called for.

Promoting Academic Success through Vision Therapy

Even if a child's eyesight seems perfect, there might be hidden problems that can make it challenging to do well in school.

Navigating the Similarities: How Visual Skills Deficits and Attention Disorders Can Mimic Each Other

We discuss the correlation between visual skills and attention disorders, and how understanding this connection can lead to more effective treatment strategies.

Understanding Post-Trauma Vision Syndrome And How Vision Therapy Can Help

Explore the symptoms of Post-Trauma Vision Syndrome (PTVS) and how vision therapy can provide relief.

Your Eyes As A Window Into Your Whole-Body Health

Did you know that your eyes are often the first line of defense when it comes to detecting and treating many common systemic diseases and conditions? It's true!

This Winter, Don’t Let Dry Eyes Get the Best of You

The struggle against dry eye every winter is real. Fortunately there are eye treatments and home remedies to relieve symptoms.

Autoimmune Disease and Dry Eye: Is There a Connection?

Having an autoimmune disease like Sjogren's syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis or lupus can affect your tear production and eye health.